Gender Equity

Vertical Knits, committed to the rights of all people, declares itself in favor of gender equity and against of all forms of discrimination (violence, harassment and abuse), in line with ILO agreements 190 and 111. Our position is supported by policies, procedures and good practices throughout the organization, ensuring its permanent monitoring, identification, treatment and eradication.

Among the recognitions related to this commitment we can find our "Distintivo Violeta" which is a gubernamental recognition granted by the state of Yucatan Mexico that endorses us as a safe work space in favor of equality between women and men and the empowerment of women.

We have also been recognized with the Breastfeeding Friendly Work Environment Distinctive, by the Nutrition Department of the Yucatan Ministry of Health, which aims to improve the nutrition of pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children in the first thousand days of life, considering equitable rights for the particular needs of women.

In addition, initiatives are being implemented to ensure that an atmosphere is maintained where employees can develop and produce in a safe manner.

Certifications and Licenses
